Monday, March 23, 2009

Withering Grass Roots

It's been reported that "Congress isn't feeling much heat from Obama's 'army' (read about it here)

We keep coming back to this myth that America is behind Obama. One of the great lies that the media would want you to believe is that you as a conservative are the minority. The reality is that the vast majority of the electoral map is still red, and that if there was someone conservative to vote for, he or she would win in a landslide. Click on the picture below. The numbers don't lie. America is still conservative to the vast majority.

Take, for example, the Tea Party Movement that is springing up nationwide, in which parties are being attended in the thousands, versus the abject failure of Obama's grass roots effort which hasn't so much as come up on the radar screen, as shown in this article. Conservativism won everywhere it was on the ballot, in the case of Prop 8 in California, and Amendment 2 in Florida, both defending conservative definitions of marriage.

This is illustrative of what failing ideologies (such as liberalism) do when they become desperate. Instead of conceding defeat, having been thoroughly shellacked by logic and history, the next tactic is to create false perceptions that they are carrying the day socially. One need not actually win an argument, but only to convince everybody that most people believe one's position.