Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Our "Representatives" are really representing us

My wife filled out a petition to our Senator asking him to protect small farmers against the expansion of big government and to not pass difficult government that will put local farmers out of business. You can read about it by clicking here.

I was proud of my wife for her activism against liberalism and the authoritarian and unconstitutional expansion of government. Then, in a response that would be funny if it wasn't so serious, the Senator we contacted sent us a message thanking us for expressing our views concerning animal rights. I kid you not.

All we tried to do is express a desire to have less government to protect farmers and it was interpreted as protecting animals. What this illustrates is this: liberals cannot possibly conceive of anyone who wants less government. The thought of government getting smaller, or even staying the same size, is not even a mental category that exists in the liberal mind. All they can conceive of is more government. And so, when asked to protect farmers, far from hearing a request to limit government, what they hear is a request for more government restriction of animals. Everybody wants more government somewhere, it's just a matter of where government is to expand. If you don't want government to expand to take over farming, then you must want government to take over something else.

It's a sad day when our representatives, who swore oaths to protect our freedom from government, are using their office to take away our freedoms using government. I have posted the response form our Senator, Bill Nelson, below:


Dear Mrs. Phillips:

I appreciate your taking the time to express your views concerning animal rights.

I support protecting all animals from undue cruelty and enforcing the laws to ensure their protection. As you may know, the Animal Welfare Act requires basic protections for millions of animals, including those in medical laboratories, zoos, and commercial breeding facilities. Unfortunately, the funding to enforce this law has dropped in past years so that much needed inspections and follow-up activities have not been performed. For this reason, I cosigned a letter to Senate budget leaders this year urging more funding to improve the enforcement of our country's animal welfare laws.

I appreciate your letter and want you to know that I will keep your thoughts in mind whenever the Senate considers animal rights issues. Thank you for contacting me. It allows me to better serve you in the Senate.