Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Winnowing: Specter is first victory for conservativism

winnow: the act of separating grain from chaff;

Specter realized he could not win. The revolt against his failed ideology had finally reached a breaking point as the silent majority starts to speak out.

For years the Republican Party has been a mixed bag of conservative grain with liberal chaff. In recent years we have been increasingly polluted by liberals masquerading as moderates. As America's great conservative majority awakens, the message is getting through, even to the point of entrenched liberal chaff Arlen Specter fleeing for safe haven in the Democratic Party, where such chaff is wanted.

Who will be next, as the great winnowing continues?


Reaganite Independent said...

Sorry, but this cynical, self-serving move had absolutely nothing to do with values, policy, or any high-minded thinking of any kind- though President Obama surely would like for you to think that.

Everybody knows he did it because he was down 21% in the polls leading-up to the GOP primary for his seat, he already admitted as such- Joey Pluggs made a deal with him. The sad truth is that this mediocre hack has spent three decades in the Senate, while accomplishing very little.

And Barack and him have a lot in common- as unprincipled political opportunists, I’m sure they’ll get along just great-

Just a little over a month ago, the Specter said in an interview that he wouldn’t switch parties due to the importance of checks and balances.

And back in 2001, Sen. Arlen Specter, then a Republican, proposed a rule forbidding party switches… he was upset when Vt Sen. Jim Jeffords’ left the GOP to become an independent.

Who knows what the truth is with this guy, you’ll never get it from him.

With all due respect, Senator- don’t let the door hit your butt on the way out. Nobody on our side’s going to miss you.