“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” Judge Sotomayor, quoted in the New York Times.A Latina woman has a richer life experience. Therefore, her ability to make sound conclusions should be superior to a white man who has not been so blessed with the same life and experiences.
How is this not racism? The clear implication is that a Latina woman is a superior judge than a white man, on the sole basis of her race, and consequent heritage.
This is one of the most blatant flaws of truly inferior liberal thinking: the inability to detect its own hypocrisy. If a white man had argued that because of his own upbringing and heritage, he should be able to make "better" conclusions than a Latina woman who hadn't lived that life, his political career would be over.
I am in full support of minorities serving in government. But their elections and appointments should be on the basis of their own morality and character, proven leadership and ability to respect, defend and uphold the constitution, not the supposed superiority of their own heritage over white men.
Anyone who claims that their race inherently grants them superior decision making abilities is a racist. and therefore dangerous to freedom, liberty and America itself. May God spare this country the pain of having its own laws interpreted through the lens of such liberal oppression.
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