Sunday, June 28, 2009

Alan Carlin of EPA: Global temperature going down

Alan Carlin, working for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), wrote a 98-page report that was suppressed by the agency, because it disproved the theory of global warming with sound scientific data. From CNet News:

After reviewing the scientific literature that the EPA is relying on, Carlin said, he concluded that it was at least three years out of date and did not reflect the latest research. "My personal view is that there is not currently any reason to regulate (carbon dioxide)," he said. "There may be in the future. But global temperatures are roughly where they were in the mid-20th century. They're not going up, and if anything they're going down."
Global temperatures are going down. Wake up people: global warming legislation is absolutely worthless, and designed for one purpose alone: tax, tax and tax.