Monday, June 8, 2009

New't Gingrich at Annual GOP Senate-House Dinner

New't Gingrich spoke at the Annual GOP Senate-House Dinner. It was a high octane speech with a number of great points. He said, in a seeming rebuke of President Obama:

"I am not a citizen of the world." The idea of being a citizen of the world is, "intellectual nonsense and dangerous. I am a citizen of the United States of America and the rest of this speech is about the United States of America."

He called America "a unique civilization." He recommended disbanding the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, citing Thomas Jefferson's efforts to disband a large portion of the judicial system.

Regarding our founding principals and freedoms: "The center of sovereignty is with the citizen, according to the Declaration of Independence, the core document of this country. No government bureaucrat has the right to take from you the rights God gave you and rationing healthy care is ruling your life at the whim of a politician."

Nice to see some Republicans finally speaking out against the Obamination Administration. We heard from Sarah Palin earlier. Now New't. Good stuff.