Thursday, July 16, 2009

Biden: Isn't the Economy Great?

Biden says the stimulus is working. All we have to do is follow him everywhere he goes to see all the jobs saved. He said:

"Come see what I see everywhere I go: workers rehired, factories reopened, cops on the street, teachers in the classroom, progress toward getting our economy back on the move."

Here's my response: Mr. Biden, if the stimulus was working so well, we wouldn't have to follow you around, because we'd see the jobs being created where we are. I'm not sure where you're going, but the current unemployment rate kinda makes me think things aren't as rosy as you think they are. Instead of us entering your world, where everybody has jobs and too much money to handle, why don't you come hang out in the real world and help two of my friends who lost their jobs this week find new ones. See, my friends, unlike most unmotivated and apathetic liberals, they actually don't want to be dependent on government or to live off of unemployment handouts. If you really want to help, then lend a hand to people who actually contribute to the economy and stop taxing everyone to death so that companies can hire my friends instead of paying you and your planet-saving super hero friends to save our cooling planet from getting too hot.