Thursday, July 2, 2009

Letter to My Senator (Nelson): Cap-and-Trade and Health Care Reform

I wrote this letter and sent it to my Senator and Congressional Representative. I express my desire for the Constitution to be respected and for the Cap-and-Trade and Nationalized Health Care to be opposed. If you would like to use it, feel free to copy and send it along to your representatives.

I am writing for a number of reasons, primarily to express my displeasure with two unconstitutional bills that have been proposed, and if passed, would not only break the Supreme Law of our land, but would damage our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. These two bills are the Cap-and-Trade Bill and the Nationalized Health Care proposition currently being discussed. I will treat these both individually.


First, I am very disappointed in the recent vote in Congress to pass the Cap-and-Trade bill. This vote was irresponsible in my opinion for several reasons:

First, it was based on suspect scientific data. The scientific community is not even convinced that climate change is even a problem. The EPA’s suppression of Alan Carlin’s report on the current global cooling trend lends credence to the growing opinion of many Americans that Global Warming is a theory sustained by liberal political ideology, not scientific integrity. The NIPCC has released a condemning report “Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate” (ISDN 1-934791-01-6). Scientific data shows a cooling trend over the last ten years, and history shows that less than 40 years ago the predominant theory was one of global cooling.

Proponents of this bill need to actually consider the audacity of the claim that man is capable of controlling the weather. Really? Man can control the weather? Such outrageous propaganda is the stuff of fiction, of conspiracy theory, of childish fantasy, believable only for the naïve and gullible, not appropriate for the serious and responsible leaders such as yourselves, who ought to see through such adolescent foolishness and govern with discretion fitting of those given the privilege of statesmanship. If the public were to learn that its leadership had reached a level of incompetence and actually believed such irrational theories, I can only imagine the response of fear and potential anarchy that would justifiably ensue as the people worked to establish a new and more capable representative government. That is happening in America—the silent majority is learning of the growing gap between themselves and the increasingly disconnected ruling class, and is working to change that disturbing trend.

Second, even if there were a problem of Global Warming, the proposed changes in the Cap-And-Trade system will not solve the problem. The bill is clearly designed as a tax, which will only remove more money from the already receding US economy. If Global Warming is a man-made problem, and if all countries share in the culpability, then reversing the trend requires cooperation of all nations to effect the necessary change.

There is no evidence that other countries will adopt the US policy, which means that the efforts on the part of the US will only handicap Americans and put us at a further economic disadvantage compared to the rest of the world, as we fail to solve a problem that scientific integrity is increasingly suggesting does not even exist. It’s for this very reason that the Senate has agreed in years past not to accept any such treaties without such world consensus. The bill recently and foolishly passed by Congress carelessly throws our money at a fabricated problem designed to create the sense of false alarm in which unconstitutional government seizure of power has historically thrived. Keep your wit about you. Don’t fall prey to this.

Third, I cannot afford the burden of this bill. I cannot afford a 58% gasoline price increase, a 55% natural gas price increase, a 56% home oil price increase, a 90% electricity price increase, an annual tax increase $4,609 and the potential of paying $71,000 in additional taxes from 2012 to 2035. These numbers, as projected by the Heritage Foundation are numbers that, even if they are slightly higher than actuality, still represent the types of tax increases that Americans cannot afford. You are elected to protect my freedoms, not to tax me. The taxes you do raise should be only as necessary to fulfill government’s role to provide for the common defense as outlined in the Constitution, not to institutionalize a disproven theory to solve a problem that doesn’t exist. Please respect my freedom, protect this economy, and resist the corrupting lure to abuse your power and break trust with those who chose you as their public servant, not as their tax collector.


The second reason I am writing is to express my vehement opposition to the nationalization of health care. I am opposed to this for several reasons. I trust that if logic and reason have any value to you, you will be persuaded by these fairly obvious and academic points:

First, what is being proposed has been tried in a variety of nations throughout the world and has a proven track record of lowering the quality of health care. I guess we should not be surprised that government involvement decreases the quality and efficiency of personal care. Health care systems in which government regulation impedes free market principals inevitably delay care, increase taxes and ultimately bring the advancement of health sciences to a grinding halt. The reason why America has historically had the best health care system in the world is because government has been sufficiently removed from the picture, allowing competition and the principals of capitalism to inspire innovation in the service of the common good. The downturn of health care in recent years has been a result of the severely heightened government regulation, the resultant frivolous lawsuits that followed, and the introduction of the public options of Medicare. True health care reform must only involve a retraction of these hindrances to the system.

This is a truism that fiscal liberals and proponents of nationalized health care do not understand: government can only serve the common good by protecting free-market incentive, not by suppressing it with regulation portrayed as a ‘public option’. We’ve tried public options. They’ve failed and corrupted the system. The supposed public option under consideration will only limit true options and ultimately produce a monopoly and become the only option.

Government grants do not create scientific advancements. It’s the desire of individuals to create wealth has served the common good and made America the great nation that it is today. The Constitution protects this. Please don’t go down in history as the generation of politicians that ultimately destroyed American freedom by ignoring the very laws that the blood of patriots has secured for us.

On both of these issues, the Cap-And-Trade and Nationalized Health Care, you are being tempted to break the law. The Constitution delineates and limits the powers of Congress, and the Tenth Amendment specifies that all powers not delineated be reserved to the states and the people of those states. The power to dictate health care options for citizens, and the power to limit a businesses ability to produce carbon emissions is not explicitly granted the Congress and is by virtue reserved to the states. Any law passed which attempts to set such restrictions would violate the rights of the states and its citizens. Please resist the temptation to usurp this authority and state sovereignty and thereby violate our freedom.

The very fact that I would insist on our Constitutional freedoms has probably caused you to write me off as a radical. If freedom is a radical idea, then I plead guilty to that charge—and you should know that this great country is full of my sort of radicals who are being awakened by such unlawful propositions as these two terrible bills. For your own perseverance in office, and for the good of this country, I would encourage you to be a bit more ‘radical’ yourself. Do something ‘radical’ like fulfilling your oath to the people you say you are serving by upholding the Constitution you were elected to defend. If you don’t, we’ll find someone else who will.

You get your power to serve from us. We gave it to you on the premise that you’d govern according to the law. Voting for these unconstitutional laws would constitute a breech of trust and violation of your promise to govern lawfully. In short, I am respectfully informing you that if you support such irresponsible policies, you can be assured of my fierce determination to do use every ounce of my God-given patriotism to protect American freedom from unlawful government actions by replacing you with someone who will show more fiscal restraint and respect for the Constitution.

Thank you,
God Bless America