Monday, July 13, 2009

Liberal enslavement and dependence on government

A small Mississippi town elected their first black mayor. I celebrate racial diversity and I'm glad that a town has a black mayor. I'd also be glad if they had a white one. In other words, I don't really care what the color of your skin is, I don't think that has anything to do with your ability to be mayor. Like Dr. King, I simply don't judge people based on their skin, but their character.

What I do want to draw your attention to, is the sad way this new mayor thinks. He recently said:

I just want the people to be comfortable. Small towns like this depend on government funding and that’s what we’re seeking.
Actually, sir, small towns prosper when the people in those towns work hard and attain prosperity. We all want to be comfortable, but being dependent on government is uncomfortable, because government is cold, heartless and doesn't really care about anybody. It's too big to care. The way you attain comfort is by first making yourself uncomfortable, by taking risks and working through the pain and toil. Then, after all your work pays off, you will enjoy the comfort of your prosperity, and be able to generously give of that prosperity to others who in need.

It's generous people with means and great wealth that should help and give to others, not a rich government who keeps it's people poor by taking their wealth and redistributing it. That will only cripple and enslave people of all races.