Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Government Power to Shrink Itself

According to liberals, the only power the government does not have is the power to shrink itself. Yet, this is the power that is most needed to be exercised at the present time. The future of this country depends upon massive government layoffs, so that unproductive "officials" who are not producing and contributing to the economy, can be freed to find jobs in the private sector where they can produce as positively help our floundering economy.

The timing could not be more urgent. The Federal and State governments now own 43% of our economy in Florida. The private sector only controls 57% of the economy. We are approaching a dangerous threshold in which the government will soon own more than half the economy.

From this point on, no candidate who is not committed to laying off a large percentage of his employees upon taking up his job should be considered for office. Public opinion should be swayed against any candidate, professing conservative or not, who is not committed to shifting government workers into the private sector.

This is the rallying call of the conservative movement. This is the keyword and slogan we must adopt: "Government Layoffs: Fire Unproductive Employees"