Wednesday, July 8, 2009

G8 Leaders Agree on World Temperature

Please only read this if you can stomach profound human arrogance and utter liberal lunacy. From the Times Online (UK):

America and the other seven richest economies agreed to the goal of keeping the world’s average temperature from rising more than 2C (3.6F).
Some countries are gathering together to decide what the temperature should be? Are you serious? Hey world're joking, right? I mean, how dumb do you think we are? Do you think the earth really cares what you decide? We can legislate the weather now? Sweet!

After your done saving our planet, O Great Ones, I've got some ideas of real problems you could be solving, like lowering taxes and allowing our capitalist system to flourish the way the Constitution requires.

Is this not the epitome of arrogance and futility? These guys just got together to decide what the average temperature of the world should be. LOL!