Friday, July 17, 2009

Vote NO Suzanne Kosmas on Obamacare

It is imperative that Americans stay informed and monitor their representative's actions. There is a great site called The People Decide which allows you view your representatives and their voting records, to vote on issues and see how other people are voting, to read the bills. On a single well designed dashboard you have your reps votes compared to yours to see what percentage of the time you agree with them. There's also links to email them. Today I wrote a letter to my representative to ask her to vote no on a couple of bills.

Mrs. Kosmas,

I am writing to express my displeasure with your vote in favor of the American Clean Energy and Security Acts of 2009. This decision was, in my opinion, naive and based on bad science, and will cripple our economy. It is unsustainable for us to prohibit and industrialized nation from emitting carbon. I believe that this policy represents and unconstitutional violation of federal power over the private sector. The majority of Americans agree with me and do not want to see such a radical liberal policy hindering American economic progress.

Further, I am writing to express my strong desire that you vote NO to the America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 should it come for vote. Particularly page 16 of the Bill, which limits the consumer choice of a private plan and will end up monopolizing the health care industry. Countries with public health care suffer poor health care and immense tax rates of greater than 50% for the entire population. This will be catastrophic for our prosperity and a violation of our freedom and unlawful intrusion of the government into the private sector.

The Constitution limits the power of government and protects the free market. By voting yes on Energy Act, you have cooperated in violating my freedom. A vote of yes on the health care bill would amount to the same misconduct. I cannot afford to have someone so willing to trample on my rights in office any longer.